Building Ecology

This Section is devoted to a collection of articles, hand-written minutes, and a draft book on the concept of Building Ecology – its complexities and the increasingly unfolding implications – that Levin invented in 1980, published in “Progressive Architecture” in 1981, and kept refining throughout his life.

Original minutes on the concept of Building Ecology (March-April 1980.)

“Building Ecology: Building Healthy Environments”, Concrete 9 (4), May 22, pp. 1-2, 1980.

“Building Ecology,” Progressive Architecture, 62(4), pp.173-175.

Hal Levin used to cite this article as his first article on the concept of Building Ecology.

“Building Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Handbook for Indoor Air Quality Control”, Draft Book, October 2, 1989

“Building Ecology Is My Destiny”, Architecture California, 17 (1 May), pp.38-40, 1995.

“Building Ecology: An Architect’s Perspective On Healthy Buildings”, presented at  the Fourth International Conference on Healthy Buildings, Milan, Italy, September 1995.